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                  The president of Vaad of Russia, EAJC Secretary-General Mikhail Chlenov has applied to the President of Russian Federation Vladi
                  The president of Vaad of Russia, EAJC Secretary-General Mikhail Chlenov has applied to the President of Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with the open letter containing the appeal to stop the attempts of racists and xenophobes to legalize their activity.
                  Leaders of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress took active part at the procedure of the executive committee session of World Jews Congres
                  Leaders of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress took active part at the procedure of the executive committee session of World Jews Congress.
                  The delegation members from the "National Conference" introducing interests of FSU Jews having visited Ukraine within
                  The delegation members from the "National Conference" introducing interests of FSU Jews having visited Ukraine within the period of 1-6 October have met the top government of Ukraine and have discussed current problems of Jewish community.
                  At the Forum "REX 2002" that has taken place in Kiev there has been represented the pilot issue of the EAJC magazine &
                  At the Forum "REX 2002" that has taken place in Kiev there has been represented the pilot issue of the EAJC magazine "Jews of Euro-Asia".
                  Collaboration of Byelorussian and Ukrainian community and Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has been rewarded with success: the Embassy
                  Collaboration of Byelorussian and Ukrainian community and Euro-Asian Jewish Congress has been rewarded with success: the Embassy of Israel in Byelorussia will not be closed down.
                  Secretary General of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Mikhail Chlenov has met the head of Jewish agency for Israel ("Sokhn
                  Secretary General of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Mikhail Chlenov has met the head of Jewish agency for Israel ("Sokhnut") and World Zionist Organization (WZO) Salay Meridor.
                  Plenary seminar "Roads, palaces, cities: space in Jewish art and classical text" took place in Ukrainian cities memora
                  Plenary seminar "Roads, palaces, cities: space in Jewish art and classical text" took place in Ukrainian cities memorable for Jewish history and culture.
                  The first issue of the newspaper for Jewish community of Armenia "Magen David" will be released soon. Newspaper public
                  The first issue of the newspaper for Jewish community of Armenia "Magen David" will be released soon. Newspaper publication is done in borders of the program of EAJC "Assistance to minor communities" under the auspices of Jewish Agency "Sokhnut".
                  The summer school on Judaic organized under assistance of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, "Joint" and "Sokhnut"
                  The summer school on Judaic organized under assistance of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, "Joint" and "Sokhnut" in Vorzel beside Kiev has terminated its work.
                  Representatives of more than 20 Jewish organizations from Kiev, Ukraine and the CIS, including the EAJC Vice-President E.Chervon
                  Representatives of more than 20 Jewish organizations from Kiev, Ukraine and the CIS, including the EAJC Vice-President E.Chervonenko and the General Council Chairman J.Zissels, have called "Joint" to refuse from building the community center in Babiy Yar.
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