The Mormon church has apologized for baptisms by proxy conducted for the parents of famed Jewish Holocaust survivor and Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, calling it a ''serious breach of protocol.''
US President Barack Obama has invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the White House for talks on March 5, Obama's office said Monday.
The David Report says that while anti-Semitism is less of an issue for U.S. Jewish college students, negativity about Israel threatens to erode bipartisan support.
According to numerous senior officers who initiated the project, 'Recognizing the Jewish Nation, its Customs and World' substantially reduces the level of hostility felt by inmates toward strangers, and restrains their violent impulses.
Yad Vashemn, the Holocaust Memorial in Jerusalem, will posthumously honor Vladimir Chaikovski and his parents Pavel and Teofila Chaikovski, as Righteous Among the Nations from Ukraine.