Two out of every three immigrants to Israel come from either Russia or Ukraine, but most aren't recognized as Jewish – which makes things like marrying, starting a family and getting buried a problem.
Blue and White wanted the second chance to form a government, betting that the PM would fail. So now Gantz has the opportunity he sought, but no evident path to a majority.
Russia is becoming the last global power militarily engaged in the region. Many analysts warn of great dangers for Israel, though one also sees opportunities.
In September, internal difficult processes took place in the Jewish communities of some post-Soviet countries. Relations between the states of the region with Israel, communities with the authorities and various Jewish organizations were not always easy to manage, behind the external facade of diplomatically friendly rethoric.
Since becoming involved in the Syrian civil war in 2015, Moscow has set up a deconfliction channel with Jerusalem to avoid mishaps and pledged understanding for Israel's major concerns over Iranian entrenchment. However, Russia has also condemned Israeli airstrikes in Syria designed to prevent that very entrenchment.
Russia is taking advantage a lack of American policy in the region, but Jerusalem must appreciate that Moscow has more plans for the Mideast beyond Syria even as it has no choice but to continue cooperation.