Turkey's Chief Rabbi Threatened by the Islamic Great Eastern Raider's Front.
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                  Turkey's Chief Rabbi Threatened by the Islamic Great Eastern Raider's Front.


                  Note in this Jerusalem Post article the terror group blames the Jews for making the septic tank that is now Arab culture and life! Always someone else's fault.The life of Istanbul's chief rabbi is being threatened by the same terrorist organization, which claimed responsibility for the recent Istanbul bombing.The Islamic Great Eastern Raider's Front group said it looked forward to eating halva at the funeral of Rabbi Isak Haleva, in a communique released on Channel 2 News Thursday night. Halva is traditional mourning food in Turkey.The message wished the "Dirty Jews a peaceful Shabbat." It blamed the Jews for destroying Islamic society, saying they have poisoned Muslim culture with corruption and prostitution.

                  Источник: antisemitismu.net