Conference: Russian-Israeli Contacts in Cultural History.
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                  Conference: Russian-Israeli Contacts in Cultural History.


                  The conference "Russian-Israeli Contacts in Cultural History" was held at Ural University in Ekaterinburg during the communal festival of Jewish culture.
                  "A few problems concerning academic Judaic studies in the post-Soviet space," report by Halina Liuban, magister of arts from Montreal University (Canada), opened the conference. Ms. Liuban considers that Judaic Studies contains an inherent dualism: intellect or faith. Leonid Matsikh, doctor of philosophy and rector of Judaic Studies and Academic Relations at the International Solomon University in Kiev delivered the speech "Moscow, the 3rd Rome, Kiev, the 2nd Jerusalem: Deep Ties Between Russian and Jewish Cultures," which was devoted to Russian-Jewish relationships in ancient times. Teachers from Ural University took part in the conference, as well.
