A library historical club "Famous Fake of the XX century - Zion Sages' Records" was held yesterday in the "R
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                  A library historical club "Famous Fake of the XX century - Zion Sages' Records" was held yesterday in the "R


                  A library historical club "Famous Fake of the XX century - Zion Sages' Records" was held yesterday in the "Rimon" JCC. The presenter was the head of "Mitsva" Association historical club Isaac Greenberg.
                  There has been no document in the last centuries that would raise such heated debate as "Zion Sages' Records". Some historians vouch for their authenticity, others deny it.
                  The Records were published in Russia in 1905, and a writer S.A.Nilus included them in his book "The Sublime in The Small".
                  In 1934 Bern court tried to resolve the long-lasted dispute. Even the USSR sent there rare hectographic copies from the Lenin State Library.
                  After the Records were acknowledged as a fake, researches appealed against the court's decision. On November 1, 1937 the Zurich appeal court declared the previous statement unfounded.
                  Issac Greenberg, who devoted many years to this research, believes that "Zion Sages' Records" is no more than the most famous fake of the XX century. And we are confident that time will solve all the questions.

                  Galina Goldberg

                  Источник: http://www.mitsva.kz/events/2004/almprot/index_e.shtml