Vandals painted swastikas on a memorial plaque on the site of a synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in World War II. Extremist nati
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                  Vandals painted swastikas on a memorial plaque on the site of a synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in World War II. Extremist nati


                  The just published October 2004 edition of the Ukrainian Jewish newspaper Evreysky Obozrevatel contains an article on recent antisemitic incidents in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv. According to the article, in September 2004, vandals painted swastikas on a memorial plaque on the site of a synagogue destroyed by the Nazis in World War II. Extremist nationalist graffiti is not uncommon in Lviv, including open calls to murder Jews and Russians, according to the article.
                  The author then turned to the trial of a security guard who earlier this year went on an antisemitic rampage at Lviv Polytechnic. As UCSJ has previously reported, on January 14, 2004 a drunken security guard named Stepan Barabash burst into a Jewish soup kitchen, shouting antisemitic abuse and assaulting some of the Jews there. To the credit of the local authorities he was arrested. However, his trial has been delayed and restarted three times, something that the Evreysky Obozrevatel author finds suspicious.
                  The same thing is happening in the trial of the editor of the locally produced antisemitic newspaper Idealist, which regularly incites violence against Jews, but for some reason has been let off the hook several times over the years. The paper
