A general assembly of the European Jewish Congress (EJC) has elected Pierre Besnainou as new president of the organization, whic
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                  A general assembly of the European Jewish Congress (EJC) has elected Pierre Besnainou as new president of the organization, whic


                  A general assembly of the European Jewish Congress (EJC) has elected Pierre Besnainou as new president of the organization, which is affiliated to the World Jewish Congress. In Paris, Besnainou won the vote of delegates from 34 EJC member countries against the Italian Cobi Benatoff, who had presided the EJC since 2003. Frenchman Besnainou, who had been treasurer of the group until Sunday and is also a vice-president of the CRIF, the umbrella organization of Jewish groups in France, said that he wanted to work for the "reconciliation of European peoples with Judaism and Israel".

                  Источник: wjc.org.il