Following the painful events surrounding relocation of settlers in the Gaza Strip, former Presidential Candidate Gary L. Bauer a
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                  Following the painful events surrounding relocation of settlers in the Gaza Strip, former Presidential Candidate Gary L. Bauer a


                  Following the painful events surrounding relocation of settlers in the Gaza Strip, former Presidential Candidate Gary L. Bauer and prominent Israeli leader Isi Leibler on Thursday released a letter they sent to President George Bush earlier this month regarding U.S. policy toward Israel. The letter was extremely timely given recent comments by Secretary of State Rice that indicated support for the Palestinian Authority and its leader, Mahmoud Abbas, without requiring a repudiation of the terror tactics presently employed by the group and its subsidiaries.
                  Bauer, president of American Values, and Leibler, former chair of the board of governors of the World Jewish Congress, complimented the president for his courage and determination in dealing with the complexities of terrorism and with difficulties in the Middle East. However, given the terrorist ties of Mahmoud Abbas and the continued terror campaign against Jews and Americans in the Middle East, the necessity of a stronger approach is clear.
                  "We therefore appeal to you, Mr. President, to voice unqualified support for Israel's retention" of major settlement blocs crucial to Israel's survival. Bauer and Leibler noted that at present, U.S. policy regarding the Middle East requires nothing of the Palestinians or their leadership in the Palestinian Authority, which includes known terrorists. In addition, a major portion of the $3 billion dollars in grants provided by the G8 of industrialized nations is going to the PA with no oversight or restrictions in place to ensure that the money is not used to fund terrorist acts against Israelis or Americans, as it has been in the past.
                  "...The fact of the matter is that the PA today remains one of the world's greatest breeding grounds for transforming human beings into lethal weapons," Leibler and Bauer wrote.
                  Israelis are in tremendous "domestic pain and turmoil" over the events in Gaza, noted Bauer and Leibler. "Yet there are increasing statements emanating from members of your Administration which might imply a return to the former discredited policies of moral equivalency whereby the distinction between the terrorists and their victims are often obfuscated. This then is surely the appropriate time for you Sir ... to speak out and convey words of reassurance to the Israeli public," the leaders wrote.
