World Jewish Congress Welcomes International Parliamentary Condemnation of Anti-Semitism
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                  World Jewish Congress Welcomes International Parliamentary Condemnation of Anti-Semitism


                  World Jewish Congress today welcomed International Parliamentary condemnation of anti- Semitism.
                  In its Concluding Document, the Washington DC session of the Interparliamentary Conference on Human Rights and Religious Freedom affirmed that "Anti-Semitism is a global concern and never a function of Jewish conduct," and rejected "reducing the magnitude of Jewish suffering throughout history to politics..."
                  "At a time when some governments are seeking to downplay the importance of fighting anti-Semitism, this is a significant statement by parliamentarians from 40 nations," said Shai Franklin, World Jewish Congress director of International Organizations, who addressed the Interparliamentary Conference last year on legislative responses to anti-Semitism. "Parliamentarians have always been the force behind governmental responses to anti-Semitism, and to all forms of baseless hatred. We look forward to continuing our support for the interparliamentary campaign against anti-Semitism."
                  In July 2005, during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the World Jewish Congress sponsored a legislative roundtable on combating anti-Semitism, with parliamentarians, government officials and non-governmental advocates from ten countries. Cosponsors included the Institute on Religion and Public Policy, which also sponsors the Interparliamentary Conference on Human Rights and Religious Freedom.
