Prayers around the world for recovery of Sharon
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                  World Jewish News

                  Prayers around the world for recovery of Sharon


                  Around the world, Jews have been praying for the life of Israel's prime minister Ariel Sharon, who suffered a brain hemorrhage on Wednesday night and is currently in a deep coma. In Paris, Jewish organizations held a ceremony in the Victoire synagogue, praying for the recovery of Sharon. The event was jointly organized by chief rabbi Joseph Sitruk, the European Jewish Congress, the CRIF, the Central Consistory, the Jewish Social Fund and the Israeli embassy. In Argentina, Jews and non-Jews have sent thousands of get-well messages to Israel.
                  The Jewish news website "Iton Gadol" set up a special section allowing readers to send messages to the Israeli government. "The space received several thousand messages within a few hours. It's impressive," said Daniel Berliner, a spokesman for the Argentine Jewish Mutual Association (AMIA).
