Claims Conference reaches agreement with Hungary over compensation
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                  Claims Conference reaches agreement with Hungary over compensation


                  The Hungarian government has decided to allow the immediate family members of Hungarian Jewish Holocaust victims to submit claims for financial compensation, according to the Jewish Claims Conference (JCC). Claims will be accepted by the Hungarian government until 31 July 2006. The JCC will shortly inform the families of Holocaust victims how they may apply for the compensation. JCC President Israel Singer, also chairman of the Policy Council of the World Jewish Congress, praised the decision and said the compensation would provide important assistance to those Hungarian Shoah victims who face serious economic hardships. "No amount of money can compensate for the suffering and loss but a symbolic compensation has great importance," Singer told the Israeli newspaper "Ha'aretz". The compensation of US$ 1,800 is to be divided between the spouse, the siblings and the children of a Holocaust victim. In 1997, The Hungarian government had proposed paying US$ 150 to the child of each Hungarian Jewish Holocaust victim and US$ 70 to each sibling of each victim.
