Moscow Human Rights Bureau announces competition on the best journalistic material about Holocaust.
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                  Moscow Human Rights Bureau announces competition on the best journalistic material about Holocaust.


                  Moscow Human Rights Bureau and the Alliance of heads of regional mass-media of Russia (ARS-PRESS) have announced competition on the best journalistic material devoted to history and lessons of Holocaust – the tragedy of XXth century.
                  Purposes and task of the competition are attraction of mass-media employees to understanding of history and lessons of the Holocaust; mastering of the Holocaust lessons for education of tolerant consciousness in the modern world; formation of independent thinking skills, critical judgement and development of outlook based on moral values of civil society; formation of tolerant consciousness, historical thinking and sympathy for victims of genocides; assistance to understanding of xenophobia, neo-nazism, anti-Semitism and chauvinism dangers by mass-media employees; formation of public interest to unexplored pages of the Second World War history through mass-media; reflection in mass-media of search, research and creative activity of pupils and teachers of Russia on a theme of competition.
                  To participate in the competition journalists and/or collectives of regional printed and electronic mass media have to published own journalistic products in line with the conditions set above during the period from January 1st, 2007 to June 1st, 2007.
                  The jury is headed by Alla Gerber, the President of Fund "Holocaust", writer and publicist. The structure of jury includes leading journalists of Russia-wide editions; representatives of Moscow Human Rights Bureau, "Holocaust" foundation, Moscow Antifascist Center, the Union of Writers of Moscow, the Alliance of heads of regional mass-media of Russia (ARS-PRESS).
                  Winners will be announced and rewarded in September, 2007.
