EJC Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan.
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                  EJC Meets with Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan.


                  The EJC President Pierre Besnainou, Secretary General Serge Cwajgenbaum and Silvyo Ovadya, President of the Jewish community of Turkey, were received on Thursday January 18 th by Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and by Turkish foreign minister Abdullah Gul.
                  During the delegation's encounter with Abdullah Gul, Pierre Besnainou discussed the good relations Turkey has with both Israel and the Jewish people, expressing his satisfaction over the progress made by Turkey in its battle against racism and anti-Semitism.
                  When receiving the EJC delegation, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan talked about the harmonious relations based on shared values between Turkey and its Jewish community.
                  Pierre Besnainou expressed support for Turkey's EU membership and that estimated that Ankara played a stabilising role in the Middle-East.
                  The EJC delegation also discussed with Prime Minister Erdogan the issue of Gilad Shalit, the Israeli soldier abducted by Palestinians in June 2006, asking the Turkish PM to request from the Palestinians proof showing the kidnapped soldier is alive.
                  During their meeting, Prime Minister Erdogan confirmed his intention to open official Turkish archives for historians so that full light would be set on the painful historical dispute between Turks and Armenians. He evaluated that there were up to one million documents related to this issue.

                  Источник: eurojewcong.org