Nationality-based crimes in Moscow.
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                  Nationality-based crimes in Moscow.


                  Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) is alarmed by series of nationality-based crimes, committed on february 18th against pupils of Jewish religious school. Three young boys were beaten and robbed by juvenile delinquents calling out nationalistic slogans.
                  Russian Jewish Congress deprecates extremists' actions against ethnic communities. At that we make no distinction between ethnicity of the victims. It's high time to realize: xenophobia is a common threat for everyone, irrespective of ethnic identity. And we strongly believe that struggle against anti-Semitism should be the part of struggle against xenophobia in general.
                  Russian Jewish Congress voices a hope that the crimes will be solved and guilty persons will carry condign punishment. It is encouraging that law-enforcement authorities of Voronezh have immediately started the investigation and detained several suspects already. It is crucial that in the last years Russian authorities take more and more rigid position against xenophobia, promptly reacting to any attempt of extremist excesses. As we all know, impunity causes new nationality-based crimes, while inevitable punishment and educational efforts for wider tolerance help to prevent them.
