World Jewish News
Rabbi Abraham Cooper urges Koreans of goodwill to denounce bigotry.
22.02.2007 The Simon Wiesenthal Center denounced the broad use of classic antisemitism by one of Korea's leading authors, Professor Lee Won-bok. In a book from his series, Monnara Iunnara (Distant Countries and Neighboring Countries). The series studies countries in a comic book format and for the last 20 years have sold over 10 million copies to young Koreans.
"The images in question in Monnara Iunnara echo classic Nazi canards like those found in Der Sturmer and the Protocols of the Elders of Zion by recycling various Jewish conspiracies like Jewish control of the media and money, Jews profiting from war, and even the reason for the 9/11 attacks was that, 'Jews use money and the media as weapons in America to do as they want'," charged Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Wiesenthal Center, adding, "the author also even alleges that the 'final obstacle to success' in the U.S. for Korean-Americans is a so-called 'Wall of the Jews'."
"The Center urges Koreans of goodwill whatever their political, ideological or religious affiliation to denounce this bigotry and strongly suggest that if they wish to know the truth about the Jewish people and their values that they reach out to their Jewish neighbors," said Cooper.
Cooper is also urging the Eun-ju Park, CEO of Gimm-Young, the publisher of Monnara Iunnara, to "carefully review the slanders in this book that historically have led to antisemitic violence and genocide," and instead, "consider providing facts about the Jewish people, our religion and values to young Koreans."
Cooper also acknowledged the efforts of American expatriates in Korea who brought this issue to the Center's attention.
Rabbi Cooper is a member of the Executive Committee of the North Korea Freedom Coalition. In 2004, he traveled to Seoul on a fact-finding mission where he interviewed eyewitnesses and defectors who provided first-person testimony describing the gassing of political prisoners, medical experiments, and other human-rights abuses in North Korea.