The Museum of Slovak National revolt in Banska-Bystrica holds an exhibition on deportations during nazi regime of 1939-1944.
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                  The Museum of Slovak National revolt in Banska-Bystrica holds an exhibition on deportations during nazi regime of 1939-1944.


                  On Sunday 25 March 2007 Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizo promised to preserve memory of Holocaust victims in his speech at the annual memorial ceremony devoted to the deportation of Slovak Jews by Nazis.
                  The Ceremony was held at railway station Poprad located in the northern Slovakia, which was the place from where the first railway car with Slovak Jews moved to concentration camps. The Museum of Slovak National revolt in Banska-Bystrica has organized an exhibition on deportations of Slovak Jews during nazi regime of 1939-1944. The exhibition is located in railway cars for cattle, which were used for deportation of Jews in that period.
                  The exhibition will become movable in October 2007 and will go through 30 locations around the country.
