The European Jewish Congress met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
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                  World Jewish News

                  The European Jewish Congress met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.


                  The European Jewish Congress met on Tuesday, March 27, with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and raised with the German EU Presidency its concerns about the rise of anti-Semitism, as well as discussing a proposal to harmonize hate crime legislation throughout the EU.
                  Angela Merkel declared that she was determined to lead the battle against the resurgence of anti-Semitism throughout Europe.
                  "We welcome the German Presidency's firm commitment to fight anti-Semitism" declared European Jewish Congress President Pierre Besnainou. "Their initiative to harmonize hate-cruime legislation should be pushed forward and special attention should be placed on the implementation of hate crime law."
                  The delegation discussed the situation in the Middle East and Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's revisionist rhetoric and threats against Israel. The EJC welcomed the firm position of the EU German Presidency regarding the Middle East and the need for the Palestinian government to accept the three conditions set by the Quartet.
