World Jewish News
Ukraine - the multinational country and education of tolerant generation is a priority task.
13.06.2007 Owing to cooperation of eight Ukrainian and international organizations among which, including Jewish Fund of Ukraine, Anne Frank's House, Association of history teachers "Nova Doba" a documentary film "Anne Frank. A lesson of tolerance" was created. Film tells about joint project of the Jewish Fund of Ukraine and Anne Frank's House on preparation of Ukrainian teachers for teaching tragedy of Holocaust at Ukrainian schools.
The project, as well as film, is unique as it is the first, and as of today, unique program in Ukraine which includes not only seminars, but also a trip to Anne Frank's House in Netherlands. Preparation of history teachers is the important part in a long chain of education of young generation. Receiving valuable knowledge and exchanging experience with colleagues, teachers bring to school and to children main idea which 13-years old girl wanted to deliver: "Murder of a person, and, especially, nation, based on its religious beliefs, color of skin or racial identity - is the unnatural and antihuman act". Investigating a problem of the Holocaust not on bare figures which, except for statistics bear almost nothing, but on examples of life stories children will obtain "correct" attitude to the Holocaust tragedy, bringing up such qualities, as compassion, mercy, mutual aid, and tolerance. Statements of schoolboys and teachers, who participated in this project support this statement. Authors of the film interviewed not only childrens but also teachers and organizers of the project, including general director of the Jewish Fund of Ukraine Arcady Monastyrsky and coordinator of international projects of the Anne Frank House - Norbert Hinterleitner.
Ukraine is a multinational country and education of tolerant generation is a significant task, the given film is intended to solve. "The society, where our children will live, in many respects depends on us and our ability to deliver lessons of history to next generations", told Alexander Feldman, president of JFU, the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Film is produced in three languages - Ukranian, Russian, English, and, shortly, a number of copies sufficient for distribution as a teaching material at schools of Ukraine will be printed.