Negotiations with Israel not in Lebanese National Interest.
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                  Negotiations with Israel not in Lebanese National Interest.


                  A public debate erupted this week among parliamentarians in Lebanon over whether Beirut should sign a peace treaty with Jerusalem. The head of the parliamentary majority, Saad Hariri, said it was against "Lebanon's national interest" to negotiate with Israel.
                  Nevertheless, he welcomed the renewal of contacts between Israel and Syria, "Inshallah, if there is peace between Syria and Israel," Hariri said. This statement can be interpreted as a good wish or as a serious doubt in the achievement of the set goal.
                  Earlier, the Christian Lebanese opposition leader and Hizballah ally General Michel Aoun, who recently visited both Tehran and Damascus, surprised everyone with the news that Lebanon is beginning negotiations with Israel under Syria's mediation.
                  Not all Lebanese politicians share Hariri's point of view. Amir Gemayel, whose family is famous for its connections with Israel, said the best solution to the internal conflict in Lebanon was to demand a strategy for peace rather than for defense.