The Ministry of Absorption Opens Hot Line for Repatriates in Southern Israel
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                  The Ministry of Absorption Opens Hot Line for Repatriates in Southern Israel


                  The Ministry of Absorption Opens Hot Line for Repatriates in Southern Israel

                  In the light of continuing rocket attacks of the Israeli territory, the Ministry of Absorption has opened a hot line for immigrants living in the southern parts of the county.
                  The repatriates will be able to obtain the necessary information in Russian, Amharic, French, Spanish, English and Hebrew when calling 1255081010.
                  We should remind that three days ago, a special hot line for the residents of the south who want to stay as “guests” at the homes of the residents of the north or center of the country was opened by the Jewish Agency (JAFI). The number of the line is 1800-22-13-14.
                  In addition, JAFI provides the residents of the south whose homes were damaged as a result of missile attack with a non-recurrent assistance in the sum of 4.000 shekels. For this purpose the Agency has allocated 2 million shekels. Telephone of the Foundation: 1-800-200-183.