Freshwater Found under the Mediterranean Shelf off the Israeli Coast
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                  Freshwater Found under the Mediterranean Shelf off the Israeli Coast


                  Freshwater Found under the Mediterranean Shelf off the Israeli Coast

                  Freshwater was found under the Mediterranean shelf off the Israeli coast.
                  According to the Haaretz newspaper, a new reservoir of fresh water was discovered off the coast of Israel, between Bat Yam and Ashdod, under the Mediterranean Sea shelf.
                  New fresh water resources were found by a geologist of the Geophysical Institute in Lod, Eldad Levy, during his work on a doctoral dissertation, sponsored by the Ministry of Science and the BMBF Foundation.
                  According to Levy, in the framework of the doctoral research he studied the Mediterranean shelf with the help of electromagnetic radar. The width of the newly discovered reservoir is about 500 meters, and it contains about 200 million cubic meters of fresh water, which got there in the previous geological era. A layer of kaolin does not allow seawater to penetrate into the tank and mix with fresh water.
                  Levy emphasized that the reservoir, which contains no more than 10% of the annual consumption of fresh water in Israel, will not be able to save Israel from the drought, however, it will help win the precious time for the construction of desalination plants.