World Jewish News
Holocaust Chronicles. The Memory of the Author of "Life and Destiny" Perpetuated
On January 27, the International Holocaust Victims Remembrance Day is marked all over the world. In anticipation of that day, a memorial plate to Vasily Grossman was opened in Moscow. The plate was mounted on the wall of the house in which the writer lived at Krasnoarmeiskaya Str 23. Among Grossman's works wide popularity enjoys the book "Treblinsky hell," which opened in literature the subject of Nazi crimes against the Jewish people.
The memorial plate is made of granite, covered with curved bronze sheets with a portrait of Vasily Grossman. The authors of the draft are an architect Alexander Velikanov and a sculptor Alexander Tsigal, while funding is provided by the Holocaust Memorial Foundation.
the "Life and Destiny" novel was published in the Soviet Union only posthumously, in 1988. Vasily Grossman - among others - along with Ilya Erenburg documented the drama of Holocaust in the Black Book.