Minsk School of Leadership Continues Effective Seminars
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                  Minsk School of Leadership Continues Effective Seminars


                  Minsk School of Leadership Continues Effective Seminars

                  The second seminar within the School of Leadership regional project took place in MEOD Minsk Jewish Community House, attended by young Jews from Belarus and Ukraine.
                  As Valentina Moroz, spokeswoman of MEOD, said, thirteen young leaders of Hillel from Minsk, Kiev, Kharkov, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov, Simferopol and Sevastopol took part in the seminar. These young people have gone through a tough selection of the first workshop.
                  They have already developed their own projects, their concept and program, plan of activities and major topics.
                  Everyone received a considerable sum of money from their Hillel and regional center to implement the conceived.
                  Due to the School of Leadership, Hillels of Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova received thirteen new professional educational projects.
                  The first results were so successful that the organizers of the project, at numerous requests of Hillel directors, decided to get seven new members.
                  The directors recommend the best people: they got the task to develop a project they would like to implement in their Hillel.
                  The old and new members worked together during the three-day seminar. Under the leadership of Vladimir Glazov, the leader of the project, representative of Minsk Hillel, the youth learned to work in pairs, to lead discussions and feedbacks, mastered body language and voice communications.
                  Naturally, the old members of the School of Leadership told about the successes and challenges of their projects, and then together with the leaders discussed the projects of new participants.
                  The participants prepared and held Kabalat Shabat, attended by Hillel Regional Director Osik Akselrud and the Head of the JDC mission in Belarus Yoni Leyfer.
                  On Saturday evening, the seminar participants went to Minsk to visit the event of local Hillel called "Intellectual Cafe."
                  At feedback, the seminar participants thanked the organizers for the acquired knowledge and unforgettable atmosphere.