World Jewish News
More Field Synagogues to Be Constructed
"A single hour is needed to construct a mobile synagogue in the field. A field synagogue looks like this: a tent for 30 people with folding tables and a place for the Torah scroll," says Rabbi Aaron Gurevich, head of the Military Division of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia.
The rabbi arrived in St. Petersburg in order to arrange for his participation in the September military exercises in the Leningrad region. "Imagine a vast steppe, and the rows of tents in it: medical unit, headquarters, political information corner, church, mosque, synagogue. We have already set up such a platform during military maneuvers near Orenburg. Now we are doing the same in the Leningrad region."
During the meeting with the deputy commander of the Leningrad Military District R.Sh. Nechayev, Rabbi Gurevich arranged for the participation of the Jewish community of St. Petersburg in the possible adaptation and social programs for officers in the reserve. "An officer retires - and goes nowhere. The army cannot cope with this problem. Officers need help in retraining and employment. Naturally, this assistance should be provided by social and religious organizations, which often have their own database of vacancies," believes Aaron Gurevich.
Aaron Gurevich also met with the leadership of the General Directorate of Federal Penitentiary Service of the Leningrad Region. It was agreed that representatives of the Jewish community can visit the Jews serving sentences in the region.