World Jewish News
Aid to Dnepropetrovsk Hospitals
Two major hospitals of Dnepropetrovsk - I. Mechnikov Regional Clinic and the third children's hospital have received medical aid from an American organization "Action for Post-Soviet Jewry."
Jan Sidelkovsky, coordinator of joint projects of Boston and Dnepropetrovsk Jewish communities, says: "These hospitals have received the desperately needed tool sets. The Mechnikov Hospital was given orthopedic tools and instruments for neurosurgery, implants, a lot of materials for anesthesia and much needed supplies. Substantial assistance was provided also to the children's hospital in the light of its specific functions."
In the hospital named after Mechnikov, the aid from of APSJ was accepted by the head of the department of traumatic surgery and orthopedics professor Alexander Loskutov, who for many years has successfully cooperated with the Jewish community and helped many of its members to overcome the devastating effects of femoral neck fractures.
In the synagogue Jan Sidelkovsky solemnly handed help from friends in America over to Igor Makedonsky, chief physician of the third children's city hospital.
"Alexander Loskutov and Igor Macedonian expressed deep gratitude to the APSJ organization and its Executive Director Julie Patkin for this priceless gift," said Jan Sidelkovsky. "According to them, this assistance is essential and will help them to heal so many people."