Justice Minister Remigijus imaius: compensation for Jews – only if economy grows
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                  Justice Minister Remigijus imaius: compensation for Jews – only if economy grows


                  Justice Minister Remigijus Šimašius: compensation for Jews – only if economy grows

                  Justice Minister Remigijus Šimašius finds the suggested compensation of 113 million Litas for the seized Jewish property justified, but he intends to start paying this money in 2011 only if the growth of the economy of Lithuania is positive.
                  Commenting on the draft prepared by the Ministry of Justice, R. Šimašius stressed that compensation for Jewish property should be defined by a political decision, supported not only by the Government, Seym, and the ruling coalition, but also the opposition parties.
                  "This issue has been in the corridors of the Ministry for at least 10 years now. This amount (113 million Litas - ELTA) is the smallest of those which will be discussed (...). I personally think this sum is very reasonable, if such a political decision is made," R. Šimašius told the journalists.
                  The Minister took the initiative to link the compensation with the economic situation in the country.
                  "I suggested (...), not to do this under the conditions of a negative economic growth. Only when the economic growth is positive, we can talk about the fulfillment of such long-term projects and obligations," said R. Šimašius.
                  The draft of the Ministry of Justice provides for a compensation of 113 million litas to be paid in the years 2011-2021.