Israeli immigrant arrested for Bosnian massacre
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                  Israeli immigrant arrested for Bosnian massacre

                  Cementary in Srebrenicia

                  Israeli immigrant arrested for Bosnian massacre


                  An Israeli immigrant from the former Yugoslavia has been arrested for alleged involvement in Bosnian genocide.
                  Aleksander Cvetkovic, 42, who moved to Israel and obtained citizenship in 2006 with his Jewish wife and their children, is accused of involvement in the 1995 Srebrenicia massacre in which Bosnian Serb forces shot and killed 8,000 Muslim men and boys.
                  Following Cvetkovic's arrest Tuesday, Israel's State Prosecutor's Office launched extradition proceedings to send him to Bosnia to face charges of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity.
                  He will remain in prison until the Jerusalem District Court issues a ruling on the extradition request.
                  The government of Bosnia-Herzegovina requested his extradition last August.
