Events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Round Table "The problems of Soviet Jewry" to be held in Riga
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                  Events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Round Table "The problems of Soviet Jewry" to be held in Riga


                  Events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Round Table "The problems of Soviet Jewry" to be held in Riga

                  Events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Round Table "The problems of Soviet Jewry" will be held in Riga on May 22-24, 2009.
                  The first all-USSR meeting of heads of independent legal Jewish organizations of the Soviet Union took place in 1989 in Riga. The decision to institute the Vaad was made there, and its first Congress was held in Moscow in December 1989. In the final run, it is with this event in Riga, that the revival of an independent Jewish community in the USSR began.
                  In May 2009, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), the largest continental section of the World Jewish Congress, the leadership of which includes Jewish leaders, who revived community structures in the late 1980's, together with the Council of Jewish Communities of Latvia, will hold a number of events on the 20th anniversary of the all-USSR Round Table "The problems of Soviet Jewry." The program of commemorative events includes meetings with the participants of the historic Round Table, speeches by experts on various aspects of Jewish life in the post-Soviet space, discussions, tours around Riga, a cultural program. Organizers of the celebration would like to begin a systematic analysis of the 20-year path of the Jewish communities of the FSU. There will also be presentations by experts who will highlight various aspects of Jewish life in the post-Soviet space: the demographic, sociological aspect, and assess the state of community life, Judaica, Jewish education, restitution, social protection, anti-Semitism, publishing, etc.