Aliyah and adaptation to be funded for 11 thousand families of repatriates from the CIS
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                  Aliyah and adaptation to be funded for 11 thousand families of repatriates from the CIS


                  Aliyah and adaptation to be funded for 11 thousand families of repatriates from the CIS

                  According to IzRus portal, on Sunday, March 15, the Ministry of Absorption will present the government a detailed plan of encouraging "Russian" aliyah. The CIS is to become a key "supplier" of new Israeli citizens again. This will cost 32 million shekels.
                  According to sources in the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, the program of attracting the "Russian" immigrants to Israel was developed by the Government’s decision of March 1, which was supported by legal adviser Meni Mazuz on March 5. 32 million shekels will be spent to achieve this goal. 70% of this sum will be spent on providing the new repatriates with accommodation, 20% - for providing jobs, and 10% will be distributed among the newcomers as a special "gift" - for "adaptation."
                  Assistance will be provided to those families who have arrived in Israel from the CIS in the period between May 1, 2005 and April 31, 2010. Within the year they will be provided accommodation, and during the first two years their jobs will be subsidized by the program.
                  The Ministry of Immigrant Absorption believes they will be able to bring 11 thousand families from the FSU to the country. Half of the program budget will be provided by the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption, and the other half - by the Jewish Agency for Israel.
                  As reported by the IzRus portal, the information on this program has already leaked into the press, but the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption had announced a week ago that "a joint program with the Jewish Agency, aimed at encouraging the repatriation of Jewish families from the former Soviet Union countries was only in the design process, and any sums and terms were out of question. At the time of the adoption of any particular decision on the issue of Immigrant Absorption Ministry would issue a detailed official report. Up to that point, any information in the press about this program would be misleading."