World Jewish News
Parliament speaker concerned about neo-Nazi rise
KIEV,Ukraine (JTA) - Ukraine's parliament speaker said he is concerned about the threat of neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
During a number of meetings with Crimea residents last week Speaker of the Ukrainian Parliament Vladimir Lytvyn expressed concern over the strengthening of the position of neo-Nazi organizations in Ukraine, UNIAN news agency reported Thursday.
"Nazi elements a little bit settle down, and get acclimated on our ground," Lytvyn said in Simferopol.
Lytvyn has seen the threat first hand in many areas of Ukraine.
"I saw in many regions, when they march and cry 'Glory to nation – Death to enemies!' and everyone applauds."
He also expressed concern about current economic and financial crises and stressed the government should reach compromise, because "a compromise is the only way to understanding."
Lytvyn said that radical forces "threaten the country."
Источник: JTA