Block to be Named After Mark Chagall in Vitebsk
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                  Block to be Named After Mark Chagall in Vitebsk


                  Block to be Named After Mark Chagall in Vitebsk

                  A block named after famous Jewish artist Mark Chagall is to be created in Vitebsk. The preliminary preparations have already been completed, as BELTA reports.
                  It is symbolic that the block named after the Jewish artist is to be created by famous architect Leonid Levin, who heads the Union of Belarusian Jewish Public Associations and Communities (UBJPAC).
                  The attention of the architect and his creative group was attracted by the historic part of Vitebsk – Pokrovskaya street and the territories near it. This place is famous for being the birthplace of Mark Chagall. The house of Chagall's parents has been preserved to this day, and houses a museum.
                  According to Leonid Levin's idea, this part of the city should remind visitors of the life and work of the great artist, develop the ideas of avant-garde art, and become a popular tourist site in Vitebsk.
                  The architect has proposed three stages to realize the projects. The first stage involves the restoration of the Pokrovskaya street in the spirit of the beginning of the XX-th century.
                  Near the museum-house of Chagall, gift shops and a small hotel are to be built. After the second and third stages, there will be other shops, coffee shops, a center of modern art combined with a gallery and an art school.
                  According to preliminary calculations, the complete cost of the project will be around 200 million dollars.