World Jewish News
Matzot from Dnepropetrovsk Delivered to Iran
Israeli daily Yedioth Aharonot reported on the successful secret operation of Chabad on delivering to Iran matzah for the 20-thousand Jewish community.
Special matzah, "matzah-shmura", was delivered to Iran. It is of the highest level of kosher, made exclusively by hand, under the close supervision (grains are being protected even in the ear in a field).
Thus, the Jews in Iran have received the best matzot for the holiday of Pesach, and will be able to observe the holiday and to fulfill its precepts in spite of the persecution, threats, and unconcealed anti-Semitism of the authorities.
The Matsah was delivered without markings on the package, in several parties, in complete secrecy.
Delivery of matzah in the usual way to Iran is impossible, as a person carrying any goods imported from Israel, or even with just Hebrew inscriptions on the package, will be imprisoned.
Following the guidance of the Lyubavichesky Rebbe to provide matzah for every Jew on the holiday of Pesach, Chabad delivers everything needed for observance, even to such dangerous places as Iran. "Yedioth Aharonot" writes that a ton of matza had been delivered, other sources mention a figure of seven tons.
We are pleased that the Jews in Iran this year will be able to celebrate the holiday properly, and that their table will have the best matzah from the Rebbe's city of Dnepropetrovsk. We also express deep gratitude to everyone who, despite the risk, was involved in this noble operation and supported it.