Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Ivan Vasyunyk Congratulates Jews of Ukraine on Pesach
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                  Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Ivan Vasyunyk Congratulates Jews of Ukraine on Pesach


                  Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Ivan Vasyunyk Congratulates Jews of Ukraine on Pesach

                  Dear friends! Dear compatriots!
                  One of the brightest Jewish holidays, Pesach, is approaching. The holiday of liberation from slavery. Feast of the people which gained Freedom. Feast of the people which remembers the slavery, and has been carrying out the commandment "tell your son" for three thousand years by passing Pesach Agaddah - the story of liberation from slavery - from fathers to children, from teachers to students, from generation to generation – so that the fate of slavery never seems attractive again. So that Jews never dream of the semi-satiated slavery. Never dream of a slave's food received from the master.
                  The Jews have always distinguished between the Exodus from slavery and acquiring the Freedom. Jewish sages have always taught: true freedom is gained only when the person has "squeezed the slave" out of himself, when he has freed his own soul from slavery.
                  Sometimes people forget their sense of dignity, law and Feedom. Let us remember the complaints: "Why have you led us out?" Moses said: "Do not be afraid, stand firm - and you will see the salvation by God!" Repeat now, repeat all together: "We shall not fear, we shall stand! From slavery - to Freedom, from sadness - to joy, from grief - towards the holiday, from darkness - to more light!"
                  As the Passover seder approaches, I wish you a good meal!
                  I warmly congratulate you on the holiday of Pesach.
                  I wish happiness to you, your children and grandchildren.
                  Hag Pesach kosher ve-sameah!
                  Ivan Vasyunyk