Mysterious oligarch promotes Pesach in RuNet
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                  Mysterious oligarch promotes Pesach in RuNet


                  Mysterious oligarch promotes Pesach in RuNet

                  A major Jewish businessman from Moscow donated a large amount of money to popularization of the Pesach holiday among the Russian-speaking Jews. For the first time in the history of RuNet, one can not only get information about matzah and the Seder, but also sell the leaven ("khamets") via the Internet. Several months ago, the Moscow Jewish businessman made a major donation to promote the kosher celebration of Pesach through electronic media in Russia and Israel. As the portal IzRus found out from the Editor-in-chief of the Internet resource Abraham Grozman, the funds were allocated by a "very successful Russian businessman, a Jew," who wished to remain anonymous. And he is not a religious Jew. This is the way the unique internet project appeared, devoted exclusively to celebrating the Jewish exodus from Egypt. The domain was bought by Grozman back in 1999, but during all these years it remained inactive (almost at the same time, in 2000, the parent site was created). Now, thanks to a donation of the mysterious sponsor, site has been updated and improved technically.
                  The Jews of the FSU countries will find the information with addresses and telephone numbers of the rabbis of various cities in the CIS very useful. One can address these rabbis to get a consultation on any matters related to Pesach.
                  By the way, through the fact that the list includes the coordinates of the rabbis, members of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia and the CIS, we can assume that the anonymous businessman who sponsors the project is close to the Chabad movement.
                  Shimon Briman