New Jewish school in Birobijan
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                  New Jewish school in Birobijan


                  New Jewish school in Birobijan

                  One more comprehensive school of Birobijan will turn to the in-depth study of Jewish culture, history, traditions and language. The decision was taken by the City Duma at the suggestion of the pedagogical staff of the institution and
                  parents of the students.
                  According to Deputy Mayor Lyudmila Kopenkina, up to this moment, there used to be only one school of such type, which had been opened back in the mid-thirties.
                  Now it has about seven hundred students. Meanwhile, the interest in Jewish culture is growing. It was therefore decided to merge this school with another one and locate them in a single school building. The total number of students of the new school will be 1300 people.
                  The Deputy Mayor stressed that teaching of Jewish subjects will be conducted at the request of students and their parents, regardless of the nationality of the children. "We already have such experience in the Jewish Autonomous Region," said L. Kopenkina. "At the initial stage of Transamurje colonization, in several villages of the future Jewish Autonomous District, some subjects in primary schools were taught in Yiddish. In those schools, along with the children of Jewish origin, there were students from Cossack 'peasant families'. According to Lyudmila Alexandrovna, the merge of schools will take place in July this year.