World Jewish News
Swastika Painted on Jewish Houses
Swastika and anti-Semitic slogans - these are the escapades of a resident of Amur oblast in Birobidjan.
Fascist graffiti have started appearing in the capital of the Jewish Autonomous Oblast (JAO) since the beginning of the year. According to the local newspaper "Birobidjan Star," symbols and slogans provoking interethnic dissension were occasionally found on the walls of some houses and in other public places.
Experts have carried out a complex culturological and linguistic examination of the graffiti. As a result, the pictures were recognized as public calls to extremist activities. After the results of the examination were obtained, a criminal case was immediately opened. "Authors of such slogans often move on to their direct realization," Oleg Toytman, a psychiatrist of the regional
mental hospital (JAO), commented on the situation. Only in April, law enforcement and the Federal Security Service Administration (FSSA) officers detained two suspects. One of them turned out to be a resident of Amur oblast, the other young man lives in Birobidjan. An investigation is taking place at the moment, and the scandalous drawings and slogans on the house fronts have been erased. The "painters" are threatened with up to three years of imprisonment for their crime.