New Zealand Joins Durban II Boycott
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                  New Zealand Joins Durban II Boycott


                  New Zealand Joins Durban II Boycott

                  New Zealand officials announced at the last moment that their country has also refused to attend the United Nations conference on racism in Geneva, while it is plunging into the same chaos, like its predecessor in South Africa in 2001
                  The Minister of Foreign Affairs McCooli said on Monday that it does not meet the draft final document of the conference, and that this document will not prevent
                  the conference "wallow in the same vicious and unproductive debate that took place in 2001."
                  Before that, the boycott of the conference was joined by Germany.
                  Of course, the United States and five other countries, besides Israel, which rejected participation in the conference, were guided not only by the care for Israel. They are much more concerned about the final document, which included the ban on criticism of Islam, Sharia law, the Prophet Mohammed and the other pillars of Islam. Britain is no longer impeded, but other Western countries are not yet ready to accept the dictate of the Muslims.
                  The Conference "coincides" with a number of historic
                  dates related to racism manifestations in the recent past.
                  On Tuesday, on the second day of the conference, Israel and the Jews worldwide observe Remembrance Day of the Holocaust of European Jewry, which killed one third of the Jewish people. It was the most vivid and shameful display of
                  racism, intolerance, discrimination and xenophobia in the so-called "civilized world". And it happened during the lifetime of people still living today.
                  The conference begins on the birthday of the author of the idea of "final solution of the Jewish question" - Adolph Hitler.