Chisinau Cemetery Cleaned Up
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                  Chisinau Cemetery Cleaned Up


                  Chisinau Cemetery Cleaned Up

                  A voluntary Sunday cleaning of the main capital Jewish cemetery organized by Dor le Dor charity fund and Chaverim youth club of the KEDEM Jewish community house took place in Chisinau on the 4th of May.
                  The traditional annual Great voluntary Sunday cleaning of the ancient Chisinau necropolis in service is an important action of the community. Most people consider praying for the deceased, cleaning the graves, putting stones in
                  commemoration of the deceased to be their sacred duty.
                  The attitude towards the Jewish cemetery in Skulyanka is special. There are more than 20,000 burial places here, many of which are over two centuries old. There are ancient religious structures of great architectural merit that miraculously survived numerous wars, massacres, earthquakes and regime changes on its territory.
                  According to the organizers' estimates, the voluntary Sunday cleaning has already gathered about 200 people including relatives traditionally visiting the cemetery for cleaning on the first Sunday of May.
                  The pressure group planned to clear main walkways of the cemetery, a number of graves, collect garbage and branches accumulated after winter and rains. For this purpose there was special equipment, as well as transportation for garbage removal.