Eshkol Project together with Buknik Project has held a short fantasy story contest "Another Jerusalem".
Works were evaluated by a literary jury consisting of:
Aleksandr Ilichevsky: poet, prose writer, winner of the Russian Booker Prize
Aleksandr Gavrilov: critic, editor-in-chief of the weekly Knizhnoye Obozreniye
(Book Review);
Mariya Galina: poetess, prose writer, literary critic, winner of the Anthologia
Prize (2005) and the Moskovsky Schet Prize (2006);
Sergey Kuznetsov: writer, critic.
Results of the experts' vote:
1st prize - Sarah's Saturday. Alla Maksimova.
2nd prize - From the landing lights. Miri Dror.
3rd prize - And then he was suspended upside down. Viktor Shepelev.
The winner chosen by Buknik site's readers:
Hierosolymitan Shield. Roman Keylin.
The winners will receive new books from The Prose of Jewish Life series.
All stories have been published on the site of Buknik Project.