The "Gold" of the Repatriates: Does Israel Need it?
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                  The "Gold" of the Repatriates: Does Israel Need it?


                  The "Gold" of the Repatriates: Does Israel Need it?

                  Today, the presentation of the book "Gold of the Galut. Spiritual and cultural integration of Russian Jews in Israel" will take place in the center of Jewish education "Mahanaim". The book is a collection of analytical articles, issued by sociologist Moshe Kenigshteyn. Does Israel need the culture of immigrants?
                  This is the second book written by sociologist Moshe Kenigshteyn, a lecturer of the Open University, in a special manner. Exploring a certain phenomenon in the lives of more than a million immigrants from the former Soviet Union, he turns to the experts and convenes conferences, where they read their reports, which are later discussed. The reports and discussions become the basis of the books that serve a foundation for a deeper study of the situation.
                  The first book, written by Kenigshteyn, called "The "Russian" face of Israel: Features of social portrait", was a huge success. The second book "Gold of the Galut" is one of the first to address many problems of spiritual and cultural integration. The book consists of more than 20 articles, written by well-known scientists, public figures and journalists. The authors assess how the "gold of galut" - spiritual and cultural heritage of immigrants from the USSR / CIS - becomes part of the spiritual and cultural life of Israel. As the compiler told the IzRus portal, the book contains the articles by journalist Dov Kontorer, MP Ze'ev Elkin ( "Likud" political party), analyst Dmitry Radyshevsky, Rabbi Grigory Kotlyar, Head of "Mahanaim" Pinchas Polonsky, researcher Irene Dashevskaya and many others.
                  According to Kenigshteyn, the main conclusion of the book is that in 20 years that have passed since the beginning of the mass emigration of Russian Jewish, the Russian-speaking immigrants have become a decisive factor in the transformation and modernization of Israeli society. They have contributed to changes in its national identity, to the attitude towards ideology and politics, to education and culture, religion and traditions.