Presents for the Students of Sohnut and Keren Le Yedidut
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                  Presents for the Students of Sohnut and Keren Le Yedidut


                  Presents for the Students of Sohnut and Keren Le-Yedidut

                  The charity action of assistance to Jewish students who belong to the "privileged categories", which took place in winter, and in which each kid received gift certificates for the purchase of clothing for 2200 hryvnias, has received an unexpected continuation.
                  The head of the Jewish Agency for Israel in south-eastern region of Ukraine Reuven Greenberg, presented the additional gift certificates to the students of Levi-Yitzhak Shneerson "Or Avner Chabad-Lyubavich" Jewish school in Dnepropetrovsk, who are entitled to special benefits.
                  Each certificate has a face value of 200 hryvnias and is intended for the purchase of youth clothing and shoes in a prestigious network of Israeli fashion stores "SELA", very popular among young people in the CIS countries.
                  This remarkable gift from the Jewish Agency and the Foundation "Keren Le Yedidut" received 135 students of the Jewish school in Dnepropetrovsk, for the total sum of UAH 87 400. Also, 70 vouchers for the amount of 14 000 UAH were received by the students of "Beith Hannah" Women Pedagogical College.
                  As our reporters have found out, Dnepropetrovsk received a lot more gift certificates than other cities. This, of course, can be regarded as a sign of particularly good work of the Jewish Agency's representative office in this city.
                  "Such assistance is provided only to the students of Jewish educational institutions included in the "Heftsiba" project, - noted the Head of the representative office Reuven Greenberg, - and we hope that it will not only be a pleasant surprise, but also an essential assistance in the support of Jewish youth and Jewish families in these difficult times".
