World Jewish News
The Ministry of Finance to Throw "Russian" Youth out on the Street
The new Ministry of Finance law refusing small public organizations (amutot) the assistance, has caused outrage at the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption. "Hundreds of teenagers will return to the streets again, and tens of
thousands people will suffer", - complain the absorption officials.
The Ministry of Finance has ordered to stop helping public organizations, the projects of which are worth less than half a million shekels a year. Since early June, the new decree will come into force, the Ynet i> information agency reports. Hundreds of projects in the area of absorption, education and health services will cease to exist.
The officials from the Ministry of Immigrant Absorption said that according to their estimates, tens of thousands of people will be affected by the new law. In particular, the "Russian" youth who receive services from public organizations, will become "outsiders", and hundreds of teenagers will come back to drugs, idle time on the streets, and possibly to prostitution and crime. Also, the
Russian-language page of the website of "Elem" organization that helps teenagers from high-risk groups, will be closed.
In an interview to the IzRus i> portal, the Head of the Israeli Association in Support of the Children of the Repatriates Eli Zarhin said that first of all, the "Russian" structures that do not have extensive resources,
will suffer. But most importantly, people, whom these projects used to help, will be affected. "For example, there is a project "We are together", organiazed by our Association in schools across the country, with a budget of 200 thousand shekels. Of these - 100 thousand is given by the state, and 100 - by the Association itself. They are now going to be "crossed out" from the list. In addition, to the meeting of the parliamentary committee on legislation, which took place in August last year, the representatives of these organizations were not invited."
The Director General of the Absorption Ministry Dmitry Apartsev addressed last week the Ministry of Finance with the request not to touch the projects related to social security of the weak segments of the population.