List of Kosher Products in Ukraine Widens
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                  List of Kosher Products in Ukraine Widens


                  List of Kosher Products in Ukraine Widens

                  It has already become a good tradition that the Ukrainian Committee for Kashrut, based in Donetsk, pleases the Jews with new kosher products for the holiday of Shavuot.
                  The novelty of this year is chocolate-glazed cake cheese, of two types: with vanilla and dried apricots. This favorite dainty of children (and adults) is now available to all who observe kashrut.
                  It is also important is that that price of such kosher cake cheeses is virtually the same as of the same non-kosher product in supermarkets.
                  Kosher cake cheeses are produced on the Donetsk milk plant, which manufactures products under the famous for its high quality trade mark in Ukraine "Dobrynia".
                  The specialists of Ukrainian Committee for kashrut have thoroughly checked the manufacturing lines, deeply learned the entire technological process and replaced non-kosher ingredients with kosher ones.
                  The cake cheeses are packed up in colourfully in packages of 35 g. Their term of storage at the temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius is up to seven days, at the temperature of minus 12 degrees - up to 14 days.
                  Composition: Cottage cheese from "Halav Isroel" milk (milking is performed under direct supervision of an observant Jew), sugar, vanillin or dried apricots, chocolate glaze.
                  The kosher "Dobrynia" is not only healthy, but very tasty as well, and, of course, it will be a great adornment for the holiday Shavuot table.
                  The Committee employees are constantly trying to broaden the range of products, and novelties for Shavuot will not be restricted to cake cheeses.