Dnepropetrovsk Shavuot Meal
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                  Dnepropetrovsk Shavuot Meal


                  Dnepropetrovsk Shavuot Meal

                  The day before the holiday of Giving of the Torah, in the big prayer hall of the Central Synagogue "Golden Rose", a solemn meal for the community members was held, and was attended by over 150 people.
                  The meal for the elderly, veterans of war and labor, permanent parishioners of the community, was held just after the morning prayer Shaharit on Wednesday before the first day of the holiday.
                  A few tables were set, and elderly people were able to say "Lechaim" and enjoy the dishes specially prepared for this meal.
                  Zelik Brez, Director of Dnepropetrovsk Jewish community, said: "This meal in honour of the Day of Torah giving is a charity meal. It was organized thanks to the man, who asked not to disclose his name. I will tell only his Jewish name - Nathan Ben Dean. And along with all the meal participants, we heartily thank him and ask the God for his health, luck and happiness."