World Jewish News
Belarusian Jews Complain to President About Inattentiveness of Local Administration
The BelaPAN agency reports that the chairman of the Belarus Volunteer Society for the Preservation of Historic and Cultural Memorials Anton Astapovich has lodged a complaint to the administration of the Belarusian president because of the refusal of the chairman of the Lubansk district executive committee Vasily Akulich to cooperate with the civil union on the question of granting the building of the former Lubansk synagogue, dating to the beginning of the XIXth century, the status of a historic memorial.
It is also said in the letter that on the 13th of April, the Society had made an appeal to the Lubansk district executive committee on the topic of the destruction of a former wooden synagogue dating to the beginning of the XXth century, where the famous rabbi Moshe Feinstein used to work. Considering that another wooden synagogue, also connected to Feinstein and dating to the end of the XIXth century, stands near the dismantled building, the Society proposed the administration to prepare a project on granting the object the status of historic and cultural memorial. However, as the letter says, the chairman of the district executive committee Vasily Akulich refused for "far-fetched and unfounded reasons."
In connection with this, Astapovich asks to make the officials of the Luban district executive committee officially liable, and requests the information necessary for the Society to grant the status of historic and cultural memorial to the XIXth century synagogue building.