World Jewish News
The memorandum of the Council of EAJC Rabbis and TAKM.
According to results of the meeting of Judaic and Muslim leaders.
On October 21 in Almaty there was a historical meeting of spiritual leaders of two great monotheistic religions - Judaism and Islam. The chief rabbis from the countries of the Eurasian region arrived at the meeting. Among them there were representatives from the region stretching from the Great Britain up to Australia, as well as imams and leaders of the Spiritual Administration of Moslems of Kazakhstan.
Both parties have noted, that Islam and Judaism coexist during more than thousand years at huge territory stretching from Atlantic ocean up to the countries of Southeast Asia. During centuries there were produced the principles of cooperation and coexistence of two Abrahamic religions. The most outstanding minds and the most prominent persons of Jewish and Muslim communities worked on it.
Nowadays we live during the tragical epoch when numerous gains of the past, the mutual respect and enrichment of cultures are under threat. The terrorism became a terrible reality. Thousands people all over the world perish and suffer. We are convinced that Islam and Judaism are religions of peace but not of war. Both our religions consider a human life to be sacred as it is a gift to a man created on His image and similarity. We do not treat each other as enemies. Both Islam and Judaism call to treat each other as a partner in joint search of the spirituality in our world.
We state that Kazakhstan republic have made the significant success in achieving social peace and mutual understanding between various peoples and confessions, and we consider this meeting to be the strong basement of the Judaic-Islamic Dialogue. We believe it will become an example of true peace and worthy human existence.
Participants of a meeting are convinced that Kazakhstan, as an obvious example of the country where representatives of various religions and ethnic groups can live in peace, is an ideal place to be the permanent Center of Islam-Judaic dialogue.
On behalf of the leaders of Spiritual Administration of Kazakhstan Moslems Acting Supreme Mufti of Kazakhstan Yerkyn hadji Duanayev
On behalf of the Council of Rabbis of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress The Chief Rabbi of Kazakhstan Eshaya Koen
Источник: Republic relations and media department EAJC