World Jewish News
Repatriates From CIS Not Hurrying to Become Jews
In a new report published this week, the Jewish Life Information Center claims that the number of giyur ceremonies (conversion to Judaism) in the past year decreased by 27%. In 2008, 5,321 people accepted Judaism in Israel, compared with 7280 in the year 2007.
According to statistics, the majority of those who have accepted Judaism in 2008 are repatriates from the falashmura tribe, Ethiopia.
Immigrants from the former Soviet Union constituted in 2008 not less than one fifth of the total number of those who accepted Judaism and became Jews.
In his report, the Head of the Center, Rabbi Shaul Farber suggested several improvements in the process of conversion to Judaism, including the creation of a single body responsible for giyurs in Israel and abroad, providing the authority to cancel giyurs only to the Chief Rabbi, as well as the publication of a list of rabbinical courts abroad.