Jewish Organizations of Moldova Launch Educational Project for Single Mothers in Time for International Day of Child Protection
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                  Jewish Organizations of Moldova Launch Educational Project for Single Mothers in Time for International Day of Child Protection


                  Jewish Organizations of Moldova Launch Educational Project for Single Mothers in Time for International Day of Child Protection

                  This new project by the "World Jewish Relief" international organization, called "Professional education and adaptation of socially vulnerable women" was supported by several Jewish organizations.
                  The project, relevant during the economic crisis, is being realized by the Centre of Training and Professional Development in partnership with the "ORT-Moldova" public organization and the Jewish Family Service, who take care
                  of 15 young mothers, who attend the first class.
                  The total number of students will be 60 people, the program is designed for three months, with classes five days a week.
                  The Centre of Training even intends to help the young mothers with employment after graduation from the special retraining courses.
                  The program includes working with computer, learning the skills of a secretary, administrator, office manager, and others, as well as mastering the state language, the poor command of which is often an obstacle when applying for a good, well-paid job.