Report: Iran nuclear plant being delayed by Russian banks
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                  Report: Iran nuclear plant being delayed by Russian banks


                  Report: Iran nuclear plant being delayed by Russian banks

                  A Russian news agency is reporting that the completion of Iran's first nuclear plant is being delayed by Russian banks refusing to work with Iran.
                  RIA-Novosti quotes the head of the Russian state-run company building Bushehr as saying that the company is trying to change how the construction is being financed.
                  Atomstroiexport chief Dan Belenky isn't naming the banks and doesn't say when the plant is now scheduled to go online.
                  Iran is paying Russia more than $1 billion to build the light-water reactor. Engineers have done a test run of the plant - a major step toward starting it up.
                  The United States and other Western nations fear that Tehran is trying to acquire nuclear weapons

                  Источник: Haaretz